Sunday, October 11, 2009

Project Life Cycle, Phases


1. Map out the life cycle and phases for a project in the Information Technology sector.

2. Identify the key deliverables for each of these phases .

3. Discuss the difference between a statement of work , a contract statement of work , and a work requisition or work order .


Map out the life cycle and phases for a project in the Information Technology sector.

In the Information Technology Sector, the system development life cycle (SDLC) is adopted for developing and maintaining information systems. The phases of the SDLC are given below:

◦Maintenance and Support
Answer 2

Identify the key deliverables for each of these phases .


Key deliverables : the project definition document containing project plan and schedule, with a detailed listing of scheduled activities for the upcoming phases.


Key deliverables: the system requirements document detailing management and user requirements, alternative plans and what they will cost, and any recommendations that have been observed.


Key deliverables: a `blueprint' or a design specification


Key deliverables: a fully functional and documented system.

Maintenance and Support-

Key deliverables: a full functional/documented system in its operational environment

Answer 3

Discuss the difference between a statement of work , a contract statement of work , and a work requisition or work order .

A statement of work (SOW) is just the document of what will be done, by when, by whom for the project.

The contract statement of work (CSOW ) is the legal document which the SOW is a subset, the contract will contain budget/finance and require sign off

A work order (WO) or work requisition is a document given by the client/customer to the vendor /supplier that provides important details (relating to size, shape, colour and other important items) about goods and services that the client wants the vendor to supply.

A work order or work requisition is for a specific deliverable such as a specific engineering service so it is delivered when needed.


SCHWALBE,K.,2002.Information Technology Project Management.2nd Edition.United Kingdom:Course Technology.

TAYLOR,J.,2004.Managing Information TechnoloGy Projects: Applying Project Management Strategies to software, hardware, and Integration Initiatives.NewYork:AMACOM.

HAUGAN,G.T.,2006.Project Management Fundamentals: Key Concepts and Methology.Virginia:Management Concepts. accessed on 10th October 2009 accessed on 10th October 2009 accessed on 10th October 2009

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